Nunn's Park  

Posted by Sean in

This is a fun, fast ride. It's also really close to BYU, so it's great after work or in the morning. And, like most trails in this area, it connects to a whole lot more. The trail starts next to Bridal Veil Falls and winds up and along the side of the mountain 'till it meets up with Squaw Peak Rd. For some reason it always seems like there's a lot more uphill than there really is, but it's consistent and manageable the whole way. It's also not a loop. I usually don't like riding straight up and back down on the same trail, but the views from this ride make up for any lack of change.

To start, drive north up Provo Canyon until you see signs for "Nunn's Park" and "Bridal Veil Falls." Turn off here and park in the parking lot off to your right. It's about three or four miles from the mouth of the canyon. Ride through the gate, along the campsites and BBQ's until the trail heads up and right. Here it intersects another paved trail, and you'll go right. Go for about an eight of a mile until you see a trail on the left. This is the real start of the trail.

There's not much to say about this section. It's a long, sustained uphill with lots of rocks and loose dirt. In a couple places, there are some short, steep climbs, but a strong rider should make it to the top without stopping. It took me a long time to get to that point on this ride, but it really helps your technical skills if you can make it some of the switchbacks. This trail just runs along the side of the mountain and rises above the road. The views are incredible in some spots.

You reach the top after a couple tight, steep switchbacks. Luckily, the trail flattens out here so you can catch your breath for about half a mile until you reach the road. I have no idea which road this is, or how to get here. If you go left at the road, you end up at an archery range. If you go right, you probably end up at Squaw Peak Road. I have no idea. At the road, take a right and follow the road right for a little bit. Immediately, you'll see a turn off on your left. This is a mostly flat, fast section that leads to Squaw Peak Road. You can just rail the corners along here-it's really fun. It ends at some short of crappy shooting range with tons of shell casings and broken glass. So if you like roads, you can dink around on Squaw Peak Rd and go up or something, or you can walk your bike up the steep trail at the shooting range place and ride further up the mountain. I took it up once a mile or two, and it was pretty nice. I have no idea where it goes.

Like I said, a pretty easy ride. Careful on the downhill so you don't fall off the trail and roll down the side of the mountain. You'll probably end up on the canyon road. And watch out for hikers--luckily, I've never seen a horse on the trail. I doubt they're allowed; it would be terrifying.

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