
Posted by Sean in

Okay, by now a lot of you have been asking me about the stuff I'm using to document my rides. I'm tracking my rides with a Garmin 520hcx then uploading the trail into GoogleEarth and "printing" a PDF and converting it to JPEG in Photoshop. This helps me figure out where I'm going and what else is around me--I hope it helps you too.

The pictures are taken with my iPhone 4. Recently I've been experimenting with the HDR in the new update, but my hands are usually shaky 'cause I'm breathing hard and the photos get all blurry. That being said, they're still pretty good. Ansel Adams would be proud, but I can't take all of the credit. It's a pretty good camera.

Hope this helps answer your questions. Now you can stop emailing me and filling up my inbox with your queries. It's taking up all my bandwidth and Google's getting ticked 'cause my blog is getting more traffic than their little site.

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