I wanted to go ahead and share a few links with all my followers so you can see some other sites that have a lot of information on them. I can't keep up with all of your demands, so maybe you can start filling these guys' inboxes with all your questions. It's tough having thousands of dedicated readers!
Utahmountainbiking.com is on of the best sites, as it includes pictures and downloadable files. Unfortunately, it's kinda outdated so you can't trust everything in it. And the directions are confusing.
Utah.com is also pretty good, but again it's kinda confusing. But there are a lot of trails that the other sites doesn't cover.
Those are probably the two best sites that I know of (excluding, of course, my own) and I hope you find some good stuff there. But again, the best way to truly discover trails is just to try them out on your own. More often than not, when you find a fun trail, there are hundreds more connected to it.
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on Sunday, October 17, 2010
at 11:24 PM
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