If you're anything like me, the only time you've been to Squaw Peak was after a successful date with a cute girl. But believe it or not, there are other fun things to do up there as well. This is one of the most beautiful areas in Utah County, and the biking and hiking is incredible. Most of what I'll describe is for the downhill section, but there's also info for those without a shuttle.
Head up the canyon and take a right a couple miles down the road. Follow the road up a few miles until it forks, and take the left road. Right takes you to the make-out spot, which actually would be a good starting point as there is a trail that begins there and heads to where we're going to park. And on your way up the road, you'll pass that little archery/shooting range on your left that I mentioned on the Nunn's Park ride. The road quickly turns into a dirt road with a few ruts and bumps, but my Saab handled it fine. And chances are that your car will be a lot higher than that Saab. You'll pass a few campgrounds, and eventually the scenery opens up and you'll drive along a beautiful meadow with small streams and ponds. The road crests for a little bit before it starts to head back down, and you'll park at the top here.
Trail starts on the right side of the road, and climbs for a quarter mile or so until you reach a beautiful spot that overlooks Rock Canyon and the back of Squaw Peak. You'll find a trail on your left that heads down the mountain--I started to take this figuring it was a loop or something, but it's strictly downhill to Orem. So if you want to shuttle, this is a great trail because it starts really high and ends in Orem. If you don't want to shuttle, start at the make-out place and just ride up. I typically don't like rides that go straight up and down, but this would be worth it with the scenery. I tried a little trail that went off the left side at the crest, but it was pretty lame and ended on the road about a mile down. There might be some good loops up here, but I don't know where they are and I haven't seen any information on it.
On a side note, if you get the urge to pass a dark green, late-model minivan on the way down, don't do it. It just might be an undercover cop.
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on Tuesday, October 12, 2010
at 10:37 PM
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