This is an awesome ride. I first rode this a couple weeks ago because I hadn't been on it for a few years. I'd only ridden it once, and I hadn't come away very impressed. Since then I've ridden it a few more times and have had some incredible rides in this area. I say this about every ride, but this is now one of my favorite trails in the area, and the best part is that there's always more to discover.
A lot of people refer to this area as the Provo Racetrack or something. But you're riding around the foothills of Timpanogos, so I think this makes more sense. This is a neat area, with tons of trails that intersect and lead to other areas. I'm not even going to try and explain which one to take--they really are too many. A lot of these trails head into Orem, so I just followed the ones that took me further up the mountain. But the great thing about this ride is that there's something for everyone.
Start just past the mouth of the canyon in Canyon View Park. I parked on the upper lot by the big building. Follow the gravel road up about half a mile until it turns into single track. There's lots of ways to get to this single track, and once you're one it, start heading up. Again, there's lots of different ways up and some might take you down, but just dink around until you get up to the gravel road about six hundred feet above your car. It's nice, smooth single track that gets pretty steep in places. It's a hard climb for most people, and you might have to walk at the very time where it meets the road. The road winds around the mountain and (I imagine) goes into Orem. I followed it to the ridge and looked out over Orem and Provo, then turned around and continued up the mountain on a small turn off across the road from where you came up. You'll see it--there's only one. Depending on where you arrived at the road, it'll be to your right or left.
This is where it gets fun--you lose sight of you busy road below you and you're all alone with your thoughts. It's just beautiful--lots of short, pokey bushes and small trees with a couple small, steep climbs. Again, the trail keeps forking, so choose a path that will take you further into the mountains. I ended (the first time, and what the map shows) at a large clearing with a small cairn. From here, there are four trails that head out in different directions. I've taken three, and they're all fantastic. Two (including the one you came up on) head back down and eventually meet up. The others go deeper into the mountains. Spend some time exploring--you can't take a wrong turn. I branched off earlier on another ride and kept riding up and up until I reached the top of that trails. It's about two thousand feet above the parking lot, and the ride down is just incredible. I got there after a lot of backtracking from trails that started to head down into Orem. From the top of that trail I took another route that lead me back to the cairn, so I assume that the forth trail in that clearing takes you onto the Great Western Trail and onto the top of Mt. Baldy. That would be a long long long ride.
Sorry I can't give good instructions, but I hope my map helps. Just keep trying the different trails 'till you find a route that works for you and goes where you want. There are so many incredible places to ride up here that you'll never get bored. I don't have any pictures of the first cairn, but I'll add some pictures so you can get the beauty of the rest of the ride.
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on Tuesday, October 12, 2010
at 7:04 PM
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